*for 15 pax
The Sacred Valley was once the epicenter of the Inca Empire, and is home to countless ancient ruins. No other place in Peru boasts such an impressive selection of royal estates, intricate terraces, and temple complexes.
Altitude sickness is a common problem for new visitors to this region. It is recommended that you spend at least 24 hours in Cusco before heading on a tour of the Sacred Valley.
Many tours do not include the entry fee to attractions, so make sure you bring enough cash to cover this. Ensure you keep your money safe as you explore markets and ruins.
You will also need to bring your full passport to gain entry into some ruins.
At present Cusco is a safe city with limited or no criminal activities. Local population is generally friendly and police are cordial to deal with. It is however recommended that you keep your belongings safe.
- Police: Tourist Police of Peru, known as DIRTUR (Directorate of Tourism and Ecology) is located in the Túpac Amaru square in the Wanchaq district of Cusco
- Emergency Numbers: Emergency Central – 105, Fire Station – 116, Medical Emergencies – 117
- Hospitals (Attention for accidents and sickness, general practice intern and all emergencies)
Antonio Lorena Hospital
Address: Plazoleta Belén 1358.
Emergency: Telephone: 22-6511.
Telephones: 22-6511 / 22-9616 / 24-5218.
Hospital Regional Del Cusco
Address: Av. de la Cultura s/n.
Emergency: Telephone: 22-3691
Telephones: 51-84-227661 / 23-1131
- Medical Clinics (for sickness, certain emergencies and accidents)
Essalud Clinic - Add: Av. Anselmo Alvarez s/n, Ph: 51-84-234724
Clinic Centro Médico Pardo - Add: Av. de la Cultura 710, Ph: 62-4186
Clinic Cusco - Add: Av. Los Inkas 1012, Emergency: 65-0162 / 22-3190, Ph: 51-84-240645
Clinic Panamericana - Add: Av. de la Infancia 508 - Wanchaq, Emergency: 65-1888, Ph: 51-84-249494
Clinic Paredes - Add: Lechugal Street 405, Ph: 51-84-225265
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