*for 15 pax
Nicknamed the Little Galapagos, the Ballestas Islands offer a huge diversity of bird and marine species, in a remote and tranquil setting. The rich and mysterious history of Southern Peru is encapsulated in the Nazca Lines, which make for stunning viewing from the land. These two attractions combine for an exciting and unique trip.
Be prepared to wake up early for your boat trip to the Ballestas Islands. Because most of the bird species are nocturnal, visiting early in the day gives you the best chance of seeing flocks resting in the open.
Tours run year round, but the most pleasant time to visit is in the Peruvian summer, from November until February. This being said, the area enjoys a dry climate through all seasons.
Make sure you bring a full passport for your flight over the Nazca Lines. Airlines will insist you show this before take off.
At present Cusco is a safe city with limited or no criminal activities. Local population is generally friendly and police are cordial to deal with. It is however recommended that you keep your belongings safe.
- Police: Tourist Police of Peru, known as DIRTUR (Directorate of Tourism and Ecology) is located in the Túpac Amaru square in the Wanchaq district of Cusco
- Emergency Numbers: Emergency Central – 105, Fire Station – 116, Medical Emergencies – 117
- Hospitals (Attention for accidents and sickness, general practice intern and all emergencies)
Antonio Lorena Hospital
Address: Plazoleta Belén 1358.
Emergency: Telephone: 22-6511.
Telephones: 22-6511 / 22-9616 / 24-5218.
Hospital Regional Del Cusco
Address: Av. de la Cultura s/n.
Emergency: Telephone: 22-3691
Telephones: 51-84-227661 / 23-1131
- Medical Clinics (for sickness, certain emergencies and accidents)
Essalud Clinic - Add: Av. Anselmo Alvarez s/n, Ph: 51-84-234724
Clinic Centro Médico Pardo - Add: Av. de la Cultura 710, Ph: 62-4186
Clinic Cusco - Add: Av. Los Inkas 1012, Emergency: 65-0162 / 22-3190, Ph: 51-84-240645
Clinic Panamericana - Add: Av. de la Infancia 508 - Wanchaq, Emergency: 65-1888, Ph: 51-84-249494
Clinic Paredes - Add: Lechugal Street 405, Ph: 51-84-225265
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