*for 15 pax
Visiting Lake Titicaca is a completely unique trip that allows its visitors to become immersed in the beautiful scenery while learning about indigenous groups that live on floating islands. The Uros people create man-made islands out of reed plants and still live on them today!
Considering that Lake Titicaca is located at an elevation of 3,810m above sea level, before doing any intense activity be sure to acclimatize adequately to the altitude. Be open minded and respectful when learning about new cultures while visiting the lake which is home to many indigenous groups that allow visitors to discover their lifestyles. The lake has a fascinating history of having religious significance to the Inca civilization.
At present Cusco is a safe city with limited or no criminal activities. Local population is generally friendly and police are cordial to deal with. It is however recommended that you keep your belongings safe.
- Police: Tourist Police of Peru, known as DIRTUR (Directorate of Tourism and Ecology) is located in the Túpac Amaru square in the Wanchaq district of Cusco
- Emergency Numbers: Emergency Central – 105, Fire Station – 116, Medical Emergencies – 117
- Hospitals (Attention for accidents and sickness, general practice intern and all emergencies)
Antonio Lorena Hospital
Address: Plazoleta Belén 1358.
Emergency: Telephone: 22-6511.
Telephones: 22-6511 / 22-9616 / 24-5218.
Hospital Regional Del Cusco
Address: Av. de la Cultura s/n.
Emergency: Telephone: 22-3691
Telephones: 51-84-227661 / 23-1131
- Medical Clinics (for sickness, certain emergencies and accidents)
Essalud Clinic - Add: Av. Anselmo Alvarez s/n, Ph: 51-84-234724
Clinic Centro Médico Pardo - Add: Av. de la Cultura 710, Ph: 62-4186
Clinic Cusco - Add: Av. Los Inkas 1012, Emergency: 65-0162 / 22-3190, Ph: 51-84-240645
Clinic Panamericana - Add: Av. de la Infancia 508 - Wanchaq, Emergency: 65-1888, Ph: 51-84-249494
Clinic Paredes - Add: Lechugal Street 405, Ph: 51-84-225265
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